The Great Work
Hermetic Artist Lyam Thomas Christopher claimed, “A system of thought can never take the place of spiritual experience…[which reshapes]...
The Great Work
On Transformation
Metamorphosis vs Transmutation
Haunted Houses
Want Spiritual Transformation? Ask Spirits for Help!
Ra and His Artificers of Light
The Light of the Phoenix is Treasured by Photo-Alchemists
The Alchemical Phoenix
Darkroom Magic, Part 1
The Ouroboros
Solve et Coagula
The Desire to Know
Alchemist & Photographer George Kingswood
There are as many spiritual practices as there are people!
Photo-Artist as Alchemist
Alchemy and ART
Spiritual Alchemy
Hermes Trismegistus Standing upon Typhon. He has Conquered His Greatest Obstacles...
Hermes Rising with the Scepter of Divine Illumination - May its Rays Increase Our Creativity 100X!
Sun to Energy to Light to Photograph to Fire to Sun